Business ethics


This module introduces the fundamental concepts of business ethics, explaining why they are essential to running a business in today's world. You'll discover how ethics guide business behavior through values such as integrity, transparency and respect for the law. This module also explores the links between ethics and reputation, stakeholder trust and market competitiveness.


  • Understand the foundations of business ethics and its historical evolution
  • Identify the importance of ethics in the modern business world
  • Analyze the key values that guide ethical business behavior
  • Explore the links between ethics, social responsibility and competitiveness
  • Understand the impact of business ethics on reputation and loyalty

Introduction to business ethics

Business ethics has become a fundamental pillar of the modern professional world. It guides corporate behavior through essential values such as integrity, transparency, respect for the law and social responsibility. Although a company may comply with current regulations, it may still adopt ethically dubious practices. Business ethics therefore goes beyond mere legal compliance to form part of a broader approach aimed at promoting responsible business relations that respect stakeholders.

At the heart of business ethics is Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), which encourages companies to integrate social and environmental concerns into their activities. CSR enables companies to make a positive contribution to society while ensuring their economic sustainability.

Compliance with competition law is also a major aspect of business ethics. Promoting fair and transparent competition guarantees a business environment where innovation, diversity of supply and consumer protection are paramount.

The fight against corruption, another key component, requires companies to act with honesty and transparency in their business relationships, thereby reinforcing the trust of their employees, customers and partners.

In short, business ethics is an essential vector for a company's reputation and competitiveness. In a world that is increasingly sensitive to social and environmental issues, integrating ethics into corporate strategy helps build lasting trust with all stakeholders, and makes a positive contribution to a fair and sustainable future.