A playful way

protection of scientific

scientific and technical potential.

Protecting scientific and technical potential (PPST)

PPST is an essential initiative to protect an organization's sensitive information and critical technologies. This training course is designed to help your staff understand the risks to which their organization is exposed, and apply effective protective measures.

It covers the main risks associated with scientific security, restricted zones, and the individual commitment required to ensure the protection of scientific and technical assets.

With MISSION: PPST, you can effectively raise your employees' awareness of this law, and give them the keys to understanding it so as to reinforce your internal system.


Introduction to PPST

Why is the Protection du Potentiel Scientifique et Technique (PPST) crucial to France's national security and strategic interests?

The Four Main Risks

What are the four major risks to which the PPST responds to protect strategic and sensitive sectors?

Restricted zones (ZRR)

How do Zones à Régime Restrictif (ZRR) work to protect sensitive installations?

Protected areas and PPST

Which sectors are protected by the PPST, and why is their protection essential to national sovereignty?

Adaptability of PPST

How is PPST adapting to technological developments and new threats?

Responsibility and Individual Commitment

What is the individual role of each player in implementing the PPST and how can they contribute to its success?

Available in 8 languages

------------------------ Dutch\*, English\*, French\*, German\*, Italian\*, Polish\*, Portuguese\*, Spanish\*.

*native versions

The advantages of our learnings

Short and gamified formats

Our fast learnings last on average 30 minutes (6 modules of 5 minutes) to fit easily into learners' schedules. Thanks to gamification, they offer an enjoyable and playful experience to users.

Compliance and traceability

All of the learnings enable you to comply with your legal training obligations. Each user path is recorded to provide proof to the control authorities or to measure performance.

Turnkey deployment

Access to the training courses is fast. They are hosted either via your own training platform (LMS) or directly online in SAAS. Deployment takes only a few hours.

Guaranteed success

We ensure the quality of our elearnings both in terms of content, with the help of recognised experts in the subjects covered, and in terms of form. Our clients' feedback is unanimous: our learnings mark a break with traditional training.


Our learnings have been translated into more than 32 languages for certain modules, with native speakers, thus enabling us to extend the deployment of the training to many international territories.


Each module is autonomous and the courses are modular. The learnings can be adapted to your charter (logo + colour), and certain spaces have been provided to allow you to speak.

All our highlights

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