A playful way

to the protection of personal data

around the world.

Personal data protection around the world

The European Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) requires all your employees to be made aware of personal data protection (Art. 39 of the GDPR).

We have designed MISSION: GDPR2 to enable you to remind your employees of the fundamentals of the GDPR, but also to open up to a more international vision of the subject.

This training aims to:


Protecting your privacy

Find out why privacy is a fundamental right and how the GDPR and other legislation frame this right around the world.

Personal data

Learn to identify what personal data is and understand its importance, including sensitive data and how it is handled.

The 6 golden rules

Familiarize yourself with the six essential principles of Privacy to ensure secure and responsible management of personal data.

GDPR by business line

Explore how businesses such as HR, marketing, and IT are impacted by the GDPR and the specifics they must comply with.

Rights and responsibilities

Find out about citizens' rights and companies' legal obligations regarding data protection under the GDPR.

GDPR in everyday life

Learn how to integrate GDPR into daily practices through real-life examples and practical tips for complying with the law.

Available in 8 languages

------------------------ Dutch\*, English\*, French\*, German\*, Italian\*, Polish\*, Portuguese\*, Spanish\*.

*native versions

The advantages of our learnings

Short and gamified formats

Our fast learnings last on average 30 minutes (6 modules of 5 minutes) to fit easily into learners' schedules. Thanks to gamification, they offer an enjoyable and playful experience to users.

Compliance and traceability

All of the learnings enable you to comply with your legal training obligations. Each user path is recorded to provide proof to the control authorities or to measure performance.

Turnkey deployment

Access to the training courses is fast. They are hosted either via your own training platform (LMS) or directly online in SAAS. Deployment takes only a few hours.

Guaranteed success

We ensure the quality of our elearnings both in terms of content, with the help of recognised experts in the subjects covered, and in terms of form. Our clients' feedback is unanimous: our learnings mark a break with traditional training.


Our learnings have been translated into more than 32 languages for certain modules, with native speakers, thus enabling us to extend the deployment of the training to many international territories.


Each module is autonomous and the courses are modular. The learnings can be adapted to your charter (logo + colour), and certain spaces have been provided to allow you to speak.

All our highlights

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