A gamified e-learning to raise

your employees' awareness

to the duty of care.

The duty of vigilance

The law of March 27, 2017 on the duty of care introduces new obligations of vigilance for the largest companies, which must establish and effectively implement a vigilance plan. The law provides for their liability in the event of failure to comply with these new obligations aimed at preventing the risks of serious human rights and environmental abuses, including when committed by their direct or indirect subsidiaries, in France and in the rest of the world.

MISSION: VIGILANCE responds to the need for organizations to make their employees aware of the law on the duty of vigilance.


The duty of vigilance

Find out what the "Duty of Vigilance" law means for major corporations, to prevent human, environmental and social rights violations in their value chains.

Risk mapping

Learn how to identify and map the risks associated with corporate activities, an essential tool for preventing human rights and environmental abuses.

Evaluation of third parties

How can we assess business partners and suppliers to ensure that their activities comply with ethical and environmental standards?

The action plan

Find out how companies can put in place concrete action plans to reduce and manage the risks identified as part of their duty of vigilance.

The alert mecanism

Explore reporting systems to gather alerts on potential human rights or environmental violations in value chains.

Monitoring of measures

Understand the importance of monitoring and evaluating the measures taken under the duty of care to ensure their long-term effectiveness.

Available in 13 languages

German*, English*, Spanish*, French*, Italian*, Dutch*, Polish*, Portuguese*, Brazilian, Chinese (Mandarin), Flemish, Czech, Ukrainian.

*native versions

The advantages of our learnings

Short and gamified formats

Our fast learnings last on average 30 minutes (6 modules of 5 minutes) to fit easily into learners' schedules. Thanks to gamification, they offer an enjoyable and playful experience to users.

Compliance and traceability

All of the learnings enable you to comply with your legal training obligations. Each user path is recorded to provide proof to the control authorities or to measure performance.

Turnkey deployment

Access to the training courses is fast. They are hosted either via your own training platform (LMS) or directly online in SAAS. Deployment takes only a few hours.

Guaranteed success

We ensure the quality of our elearnings both in terms of content, with the help of recognised experts in the subjects covered, and in terms of form. Our clients' feedback is unanimous: our learnings mark a break with traditional training.


Our learnings have been translated into more than 32 languages for certain modules, with native speakers, thus enabling us to extend the deployment of the training to many international territories.


Each module is autonomous and the courses are modular. The learnings can be adapted to your charter (logo + colour), and certain spaces have been provided to allow you to speak.

All our highlights

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