Personal data


This module explains what personal data is, distinguishing between the different categories of data (ordinary, sensitive, anonymized, pseudonymized) and emphasizing the importance of data protection. It outlines the fundamental principles governing data protection, including informed consent, purpose limitation and data minimization. The module also covers the concept of personal data processing and the challenges of protecting personal data in digital and physical systems.


  • Understand the different categories of personal data and their level of protection
  • Understand the importance of data protection for privacy and security
  • Discover the fundamental principles of data protection, including consent and minimization
  • Understand the issues involved in processing personal data and the challenges involved in protecting this information
  • Identify best practices for handling data ethically and responsibly

Understanding the nature of personal data

In the digital age, where every action can be traced, it's essential to understand what personal data is and the different categories it represents. Personal data encompasses any information that can identify a person, directly or indirectly. This can range from simple data such as name or address, to more sensitive data such as health information or religious beliefs.

It's important to distinguish between different types of data. Ordinary data (name, email) requires a certain level of protection, but sensitive data (health, sexual orientation) requires enhanced security measures to avoid harm. In addition, there is anonymized data, used for statistical purposes, and pseudonymized data, which limits the risk of identification but still requires specific measures to guarantee confidentiality.

The processing of personal data encompasses all actions carried out on such data, from collection to destruction. This processing must respect key principles, such as the informed consent of individuals, data minimization and transparency. Organizations must also ensure data security, by implementing measures such as encryption and strict access controls.

Protecting personal data is vital to maintaining user confidence and complying with current legislation. In a world where the amount of data collected is constantly increasing, understanding the nature of this data and how it is processed is essential to ensure that it is managed ethically and responsibly.