Protecting your privacy


This module introduces the fundamental importance of personal data protection in an interconnected world. It explores the reasons why this data must be protected, highlighting its central role in individual freedom and human dignity. A presentation of the main global legislative frameworks, such as the GDPR in Europe, the CCPA in California, or the LGPD in Brazil, is offered. The module also highlights the threats posed by cybercriminals and the importance of compliance for businesses.


  • Understand why the protection of personal data is a fundamental right
  • Learn what constitutes personal data and why it is valuable
  • Discover the main global legislative frameworks governing the protection of personal data
  • Become aware of the threats posed by cybercrime to personal data
  • Understand the importance of compliance in preserving consumer confidence and avoiding sanctions

Privacy protection

The protection of personal data has become a global issue. Respect for privacy is a fundamental right, enshrined in numerous international and national laws. However, with the advent of digital technology, the collection, processing and management of personal data have evolved considerably, raising new challenges and requiring adapted legal frameworks.

Personal data has become a veritable bargaining chip, used for commercial purposes, surveillance or even criminal activities such as identity theft. In response to these threats, several countries and regions have introduced laws to govern data management. Examples include the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) in Europe, the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) in the United States, or the Lei Geral de Proteção de Dados (LGPD) in Brazil. Each of these legislations aims to protect individuals by imposing strict rules on data collection and use, while strengthening citizens' rights.

Beyond mere compliance, protecting personal data is crucial to preserving users' trust in digital systems. A data breach can have serious consequences, both for companies (financial penalties, loss of reputation) and for individuals (invasion of privacy, malicious exploitation of information). Personal data protection is therefore a fundamental pillar of our digital society, requiring vigilance and proactive measures.