GDPR in everyday life


This module focuses on the active contribution of employees to the protection of personal data in their day-to-day work. It addresses five key actions: knowledge and understanding of company policies, application of guidelines in daily activities, promotion of a security culture, vigilance and proactive reporting, and participation in risk assessments. These actions ensure GDPR compliance while providing a secure, privacy-friendly working environment.


  • Understand the importance of protecting personal data on a daily basis
  • Apply company policies on data protection
  • Contribute to a culture of security and respect for privacy
  • Identify and report weaknesses or violations of data protection policies
  • Actively participate in risk assessments to improve data protection measures

The GDPR in everyday life

In the professional environment, personal data protection relies not only on well-defined policies, but also on the day-to-day commitment of every employee. This module highlights the concrete actions that every employee can adopt to ensure compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

Employees must understand internal data protection policies and actively participate in training to ensure they master security principles. They must apply these guidelines in their day-to-day tasks, ensuring the confidentiality and security of sensitive information. In addition, they play an essential role in promoting a culture of privacy within their teams, sharing best practices and openly discussing security issues.

Vigilance is also crucial: identifying and promptly reporting any data protection issues or breaches enables vulnerabilities to be rectified before they cause damage. Finally, participation in risk assessments reinforces the company's strategy, ensuring that potential threats are properly identified and mitigated.

Every employee therefore has a key role to play in ensuring data security on a daily basis. Protecting personal data in a professional context helps preserve the trust of customers and partners, while complying with legal obligations.