The 6 golden rules


This module introduces the six fundamental principles of personal data protection: purpose, accuracy, transparency, minimization, security and retention period. Each of these principles plays a key role in the management of personal data, ensuring that it is collected, processed and stored responsibly and securely. This module provides companies with a better understanding of these rules to ensure GDPR compliance.


  • Understand the six key principles of personal data protection
  • Know how to apply transparency and data minimization in internal processes
  • Learn best practices for securing data and its retention period
  • Understand the importance of the accuracy and purpose of data collected
  • Strengthen internal processes to ensure compliance with data protection legislation

The 6 golden rules

The protection of personal data is based on six essential principles, widely recognized in international legislation, notably the GDPR. These principles guarantee responsible and ethical management of personal data.

Purpose: Data must be collected for specific, explicit and legitimate purposes. All data collection must have a clearly defined purpose, and data may not be used for other purposes without the consent of the data subject.

Accuracy: Data collected must be accurate and kept up to date. Companies are responsible for promptly correcting or deleting any inaccurate data.

Transparency: Data subjects must be informed in a clear and accessible manner of how their data is collected, processed and shared, and of their rights.

Minimization: Only data that is relevant and necessary for the defined purpose should be collected, thus avoiding excessive collection.

Security: Personal data must be protected against unauthorized access, loss or destruction. This includes the use of technical measures such as encryption or regular security audits.

Retention Period: Data must not be kept longer than is necessary to achieve the purposes for which it was collected. After that, it must be securely deleted.

These six principles form the basis for the ethical and legal management of personal data, and must be integrated into all company practices involving personal data. Compliance with them is essential to guarantee regulatory compliance and preserve the trust of individuals.