Sexual harassment


This module takes an in-depth look at sexist behavior and sexual harassment in the workplace. It describes the different forms of sexist and harassing behavior, their impact on victims, and the sanctions incurred by perpetrators. The module emphasizes the importance of prevention through awareness-raising programs, regulatory frameworks and reporting platforms set up by companies.


  • Understand sexist behavior and sexual harassment
  • Recognize forms of sexist and harassing behavior
  • Understand the psychological and legal impact of such behavior on victims
  • Discover the sanctions provided for by law against the perpetrators of such behavior
  • Know how to set up a prevention and reporting system within the company.

Sexual harassment and gender-based harassment

Gender-based harassment and sexual harassment in the workplace are serious forms of behavior that can have a profound effect on the well-being of victims and the working environment. Sexist harassment takes the form of actions or words intended to denigrate a person because of their gender. It can take the form of criticism of a person's appearance or skills, inappropriate jokes, or humiliating and hostile behavior.

Sexual harassment, on the other hand, consists of repeated comments or behavior with a sexual connotation that undermines dignity or creates an intimidating, degrading or offensive environment. It can also take the form of pressure, even if not repeated, to obtain an act of a sexual nature.

The legal consequences of such behaviour are severe. The perpetrators of such acts are liable to disciplinary sanctions within the company, and even criminal sanctions, such as prison in the case of sexual assault.

Companies have a responsibility to prevent such acts by putting in place awareness programs, prevention plans and effective reporting systems to protect victims and ensure a healthy working environment. Employees must be trained to recognize and report unacceptable behavior, whether they are witnesses or victims.

Promoting a corporate culture of respect and awareness of these issues is essential to prevent sexist and harassing behavior, and to protect the dignity and safety of everyone at work.