Introduction to PPST


This module introduces the fundamental concept of Protecting Scientific and Technical Potential (PSTP), and highlights its role in securing strategic advances and critical knowledge. PPST encompasses not only the protection of current information, but also that of future innovations and ongoing research, in a world where information crosses borders in an instant. This module raises awareness of risks such as theft, espionage and misappropriation, while presenting the security measures to be adopted to safeguard national interests and ensure a secure research environment.


  • Discover the importance of PPST in protecting scientific and technical advances.
  • Understand the threats faced by research institutions and companies.
  • Understand the impact of information security in an interconnected world.
  • Identify the main security measures implemented to protect scientific potential.
  • Understand the role of each individual in protecting these critical assets.

Introduction to PPST

The Protection of Scientific and Technical Potential (PSTP) plays a vital role in safeguarding a nation's discoveries and strategic innovations. In a world where information circulates freely and rapidly on a global scale, the protection of scientific and technical assets has become a national and international priority. PPST is not just about protecting existing research results, it is also about securing future innovation capabilities, ensuring a favorable environment for research and development.

Threats to these assets include theft, espionage and data misappropriation, which can compromise national security, weaken a nation's competitiveness and undermine confidence in international collaborations. That's why strict security measures are crucial. This includes reinforced security policies, advanced detection and monitoring systems, and procedures to raise awareness of the importance of protecting sensitive data among all those involved, from researchers to senior management.

The PPST is part of a broader approach to protecting national interests in the face of increasing international competition. By acting proactively, governments, companies and research institutions ensure the sustainability of their technological and scientific potential, while contributing to a safe and healthy research environment for future generations.