

The purpose of this module is to explain corruption. The concepts of "active corruption" and "passive corruption" are developed. This module also deals with the concept of "influence peddling".

This module consists of a three-minute motion design followed by a quiz to validate the learners' skills.


  • Understanding corruption

  • Addressing active and passive corruption

  • Understanding the difference between private and public corruption

  • Tackling influence peddling

  • Engaging employees on strategic issues for companies

French criminal law distinguishes between two types of corruption:

These two offences, although complementary, are distinct and autonomous. Their perpetrators may be prosecuted and tried separately.

Corruption is said to be public when the corrupted person is a public official and private when the latter is a person who does not hold a public office.

To summarize:

Influence peddling refers to the fact that a person, depositary of the Public Authority, uses his or her position or influence, real or supposed, to influence favourably a decision to be taken by a public authority or administration.

It involves three actors: the beneficiary (the one who provides benefits or gifts), the intermediary (the one who uses the credit he possesses because of his position) and the target person who holds the decision-making power.

Criminal law distinguishes :