Introduction to LGPD


This module introduces the General Data Protection Law (LGPD) as Brazil's response to growing global concerns about personal data protection. It presents the basics of the legislative framework governing the management and protection of personal information, highlighting its alignment with the European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). This module explores the importance of the LGPD for Brazilian and international companies, as well as the implications of non-compliance, such as potential sanctions and fines.


  • Understand the foundations and necessity of the LGPD
  • Understand the historical background to the adoption of the LGPD
  • Identify the entities affected by this legislation in Brazil
  • Recognize the penalties for non-compliance
  • Assess the commercial opportunities and impacts of the LGPD for companies

Introduction to LGPD

The digital revolution has led to the massive production of personal data around the world, generating new concerns about their protection. In response to these challenges, Brazil adopted the General Data Protection Law (LGPD) in 2018, inspired by the European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Coming into force in 2020, the LGPD harmonizes Brazilian data protection legislation and strengthens the rights of individuals, while imposing new rules on businesses.

The law applies to all organizations operating in Brazil, or processing personal data of Brazilian citizens, whether public or private. The LGPD requires companies to adopt measures to guarantee the confidentiality and security of personal data, on pain of heavy financial penalties of up to 50 million reais per breach.

However, the LGPD is not limited to obligations; it also opens up new perspectives. By strengthening consumer confidence through better data protection, it enables companies to improve their image and boost customer loyalty, while creating a framework conducive to measured risk-taking and increased business opportunities.

In summary, the LGPD marks a crucial step for personal data protection in Brazil, imposing strict requirements while offering substantial benefits for companies complying with its principles.